Home >iphone >How to choose the best loader for your mobile how to choose the best loader for your mobile


Time: globisoftware

On: Aug/30/2022

Category: Huawei iphone samsung Digital life

Tags: Can you load the iPhone 12 with an old charger?

Today, it seems to be a fashion that in the boxes no longer comes your charger next to your smartphone;Apple began to do it, Samsung joined soon.If you are faced with the situation of not having a charger or having yours spoiled and it is time to buy one.Would you know which one to buy?

¿Puedo cargar mi teléfono móvil con un cargador de mayor amperaje? ¿Y con uno de diferente voltaje?

The first thing you have to know is that current mobiles are able to control the amount of power they take from the charger, avoiding overloads.Therefore, all European market chargers can load any mobile phone.What can change is the speed with which the smartphone will be reloaded.

For this reason, and because the power of other loaders are not equal, manufacturers recommend using the original phone charger if you want to obtain optimal results.

Types of loaders that exist

There are 3 types of loaders depending on the load speed and power.You will have to opt for one of them depending on what you are looking for.

Standard load

Cómo elegir el mejor cargador para tu móvil Cómo elegir el mejor cargador para tu móvil

If your phone is a few years old, you may not support many watts, so you will not need a very powerful 20 W charger.To know what is the recommended output voltage for your mobile, you can look at the output section you will find in the original charger.In this way, you will have a guide to know which loader to buy.

The price of these loaders varies between 9 and 15 euros.

Fast charge

With the introduction of fast charging standards the phone and loader, a higher voltage can be reached: 9 V, 15 V or, even, 20 V.

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Almost all the new phones have fast charging, but not all universal loaders are able to take advantage of the maximum potential of the phone as much as the original charger does.For this it is necessary.

The best thing is always to buy the original charger of the same telephone company you want to load, although its price is much higher.The price of a conventional fast charger is between 15 and 35 euros.

The wireless load

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We recently made an article on how to choose a good wireless charger for your smartphone.Despite the great advantages that these loaders have, the truth is that we do not recommend that you use this method as the only way to load your smartphone, since it requires transforming electricity into heat and sending the signal wirelessly to your phone;That is, you will waste a lot of time to load it

In addition, keep in mind that you will not be able to use it while loading, since when you take it, you lose the load, so you will be condemned to be in that place as long as necessary.

They are also the most expensive loaders on the market, around a price of between 20 to 70 euros.

Some advices

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